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Dev Dives Bhudhar Strips vivah bandhan potli shree sai pooja box Amethyst Rough Stone Jaldhari With Tripod Stand

Price: ₹300


Every building is governed by energy fields that are termed as Devtas, these comprise a vital element of MahaVastu.Man makes structures and buildings to perform certain functions in a building. As soon as space is enclosed, it starts behaving as a scaled down model of the Universe. Different energy-fields emerge automatically. These energy fields react with human consciousness. They alter, blend, and redirect consciousness as per their own attributes.There are 45 such major energy fields in a building that control and influence consciousness, and 980 minor energy fields. These energy fields are termed as Devtas in Sanskrit. The meaning of the word Dev is, 'the one who is self-Illuminating'. As per the property of the energy-field, their names were derived. In a building, the combination of 45 Devtas is called Vastu Purush Mandala the one who is carrying 45 energy fields is Vastu Dev. These 45 energy fields or Devtas are mentioned in detail in Vedas.